Humans are very well designed in how they are able to function and recover and go on living. As one of the species on this planet with a longer lifespan than most, it is very important that a certain level of autonomy is exercised all the time. Certainly, we are the only ones who take pride in being intelligent and artful, and more all at the same time. As humans, we recognize this cognizance as our heart or soul or both. Anatomically, we are only and only what our brain makes us. So, we should as a matter of fact must treat the brain well to maintain the proper functionality. And what better to aid that than a good night’s restful sleep and an all-encompassing dose of nutrients beneficial to our gray matter?
Table of Contents

What is Noocube Brain Productivity and what is Noocube Sleep Upgrade?
The Noocube Brain Productivity dietary supplement and the Noocube Sleep Upgrade food supplements are two products from the Noocube company by Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited, which does excellent work in the nootropic scene. Nootropics are what can be said to be cognitive enhancers or brain revitalizers, and Noocube offers natural options for providing you excellent restful sleep wherein your brain can recharge easily and as well as the nutrients necessary to ensure that your brain is well fed and optimally functional.
The Noocube Brain Productivity dietary supplement is a product that boosts your brain, making sure that all your neurons are firing well and making the brain-matter transmissions more clear for you. It is a combination of compounds and elements that are helpful to your brain and gives support to your brain should you find yourself experiencing any cognitive decline due to issues such as extreme tiredness and insomnia and others. The Noocube Brain Productivity supplement aims to up your cognitive productivity as well as make it far easier on you to use your brain when you are experiencing stress and other debilitating instances.
The Noocube Sleep Upgrade on the other hand is aimed more towards providing you with a night of restful sleep to oomph your recovery after a hard and long day, to both better your sleep quality and make you fall asleep faster. The effect that less sleep has on human physiology and psychology is well established, with repeated studies and research proving that one simply cannot function well if they don’t get a good night’s sleep. Sure, some people need lesser hours of sleep while others need a longer recharge, but the fact remains that both kinds of people must experience deep undisturbed sleep for that sleep to count towards good health. This sleep supplement works to reduce sleep time and tame overactive brain signals that help you get that disturbed sleep, leaving you better able to engage with life and the world at large the next day upon waking up, as this melatonin-free formula boosts one daytime energy.
How do the Noocube Brain Productivity and Noocube Sleep Upgrade work?
Using the Noocube Brain Productivity dietary supplement is pretty much a curated experience. This nootropic product contains specifically patented elements that increase components within your brain that has been repeatedly linked to better memory, listening comprehension, and visual grasping ability. The patent-holding Lutemax® 2020, extracted from marigolds, contains within its structure three isomer nutrients very supportive of cognitive aptitude, lutein and RR Zeaxanthin, and RS (meso) Zeaxanthin. This combo of naturally sourced ingredients enables you to experience better memory recall and recording, increases the ability to comprehend what is being said to you, and, lastly, helps you in making sense of what you see and connects visual cues to recognition.
The Noocube Sleep Upgrade food supplement or sleep supplement is a particular blend of herbs and minerals that helps you fall asleep faster, deeper, and longer. It is a naturally made supplement that aims to enhance your sleeping experience, wherein you rise up the next day feeling well-rested and optimally recharged. The people at Noocube understand the extreme importance of good sleep and what it means to toss and turn through the night as sleep remains as elusive as ever and how necessary it is to improve sleep quality. Insufficient sleep can not only negatively impact you physically but can make you suffer mentally as well, thereby causing stress and anxiety levels to rise. The precise combination of elements in this product makes it far easier for you to fall asleep with ease, and get all the benefits of such good sleep. Your sleep quality might be suffering from sleep disorders and so sleep aids like Noocube Sleep Upgrade can help you to experience natural sleep.
Ingredients List explanation of Noocube Brain Productivity:
- Vitamin B (1, 7, and 12)
- The three stated varieties of Vitamin B here are important support against brain degradation.
- Vitamin B has been found to be an important ingredient that helps fight against dementia by increasing the number of neurotransmitters present within the brain. If the number of neurotransmitters decreases exponentially, there would be an impactful loss of cognitive abilities.
- Bacopa Monnieri Extract
- This element comes with a long history of use in ayurvedic medicine and has been consistently used either on its own or in combination with other herbs as a tonic to increase memory-related capacity as well as better understanding.
- It also has positive effects on sleep and may be used as a support for epilepsy.
- Cat’s Claw Concentrated Extract
Cat’s claw is a spindly vine that has been part of the diet in tropical countries.- Cat’s claw has been shown to possess neuroprotective properties and is thought to potentially reduce the amount of amyloid-beta plaques present in the brain, which is believed to be a major contributor to memory impairment.
- It has been suggested that cat’s claw may act as an anti-inflammatory agent, which could help prevent or minimize memory loss associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
- Furthermore, it is an excellent immunity booster and has also been found to help manage issues such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Oat Straw Extract
Oat straw extract is a product of the Avena Sativa plant that is yet to ripen.- Studies carried out on this particular herb have found that there is a very good chance that it can help in improving both cardiovascular health as well as mental functions in older people.
- It even acts as an anti-inflammatory and improves mood.
- L-theanine
- L-Theanine is an amino acid that can be found in tea leaves and has been found beneficial to lower stress and anxiety within individuals after use.
- It basically relaxes the brain and thereby lowers the stress faced by the heart and other organs.
- It also promotes alpha waves within the brain, making you feel more at ease and calmer.
- Alpha GPC
- Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (alpha-GPC or α-GPC) is a choline-like ingredient that has been found helpful in improving cognitive abilities as well as enabling support to improve the physical output of athletes. This ingredient, in particular, can be said to be boosting your everyday stats with ease.
- Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (alpha-GPC or α-GPC) is a choline-like ingredient that has been found helpful in improving cognitive abilities as well as enabling support to improve the physical output of athletes. This ingredient, in particular, can be said to be boosting your everyday stats with ease.
- Lutemax® 2020
- This element is extracted from marigolds and used in its concentrated form, wherein it helps bring up the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), by introducing lutein and RR Zeaxanthin, and RS (meso) Zeaxanthin into the body’s environment at the appropriate levels.
- When someone has a higher BDNF, they are more likely to remember things with ease with fast recall and recognition.
- Huperzia Serrata
- This is an herb that has wide recognition as an ingredient that is beneficial to cranial health throughout Asiatic countries.
- It has been offered as a method of possibly treating and fighting against mental issues such as Alzheimer’s disease as well as vascular dementia.
- Pterostilbene
- This is a naturally derived stilbenoid that acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent and also helps fight against mental decline in older people.
- It lowers brain fog and helps maintain cognitive abilities even at a later age.
- It is also beneficial to cardiovascular health.
- L-Tyrosine
L-Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that has been studied extensively for its potential to improve cognitive function in humans.- Evidence suggests that L-Tyrosine supplementation can improve attention, working memory, and executive functioning in individuals exposed to conditions of high stress or fatigue.
- Additionally, L-Tyrosine has been shown to increase the production of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, which are all neurotransmitters associated with improved mental processing and alertness.
- Resveratrol
- Resveratrol has been shown to provide neuroprotective benefits due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and neuronal death.
- Research suggests that it is involved in modulating neuronal signaling pathways, including the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt-mTOR pathway, which plays an important role in regulating cell survival and apoptosis.

Click to learn more about Noocube Brain Productivity from its exclusive official website.
Ingredients List explanation of Noocube Sleep Upgrade:
- Lemon Balm Leaf Powder
- A distant cousin to the mouth-freshening mint, lemon balm has the reputation of being a calming herb. Its use is found in records dating back centuries.
- It has the particular benefits of lowering stress and anxiety easily, promoting sleeping, and vastly improving your metabolic ability.
- It also reduces instances of bloating and flatulence, ensuring you are not in discomfort or pain.
- The Noocube Sleep Upgrade sleep supplement ensures better sleep quality and lowers instances of poor sleep.
- Lavender Extract
- Lavender, the beautiful flower, and its perfume are quite well known for being so distinctly unique. It has been found that using lavender in just about any form calms the senses and makes you sleep with ease and in comfort.
- It makes you more prone to be less depressed, less anxious, and less stressed.
- Add to that the skin benefits it also offers and this is one magical plant.
Thus the Noocube Sleep Upgrade Sleep Supplement is one of the completely natural sleep aids that someone experiencing poor sleep can take.
- Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is an essential element for humans and pretty much any living being on this planet.- Vitamin D3 is a necessary ingredient in the production of red blood cells, and this deficiency of this essential element can leave you feeling haggard and tired all the time.
- It boosts your immunity in addition to improving your cognitive abilities and mood.
- The Noocube Sleep Upgrade works to improve sleep quality and lessen the hold of sleep disorders on you by inducing natural sleep.
The Noocube Sleep Upgrade sleep aid is a far better option than prescription sleep aids.
- Magnesium
Magnesium is a very important trace element that is an absolute must for a healthy life.- Without adequate magnesium, you will never be able to build muscles and gain strength.
- Magnesium is also a very important component for the smooth running of your nervous system. Lacking magnesium can put you on the road to cardiovascular ill health and high blood pressure.
- Improve sleep quality as well as improve mental clarity with the Noocube sleep upgrade like a much-needed natural sleep aid.
- Calcium
Calcium is, first and foremost, an absolute must.- It is the building block of your skeleton as your bones need a sufficient amount of calcium to remain strong and mobile.
- Calcium is also beneficial for your heart health in addition to your muscle-building capacity and nervous system.
- Calcium ensures that you have a strong body, such that equal strength will follow even for those later years.
- A healthy body is always able to maintain good sleep hygiene.
- Improve sleep quality at the same time as throwing away other sleep disorders.

Click to learn more about Noocube Sleep Upgrade from its exclusive official website.
Benefits of Noocube Brain Productivity:
- Sharpen your focus – This product helps you to focus more easily and with better results. When you are able to use your mental acuity to the best of your abilities, you can engage in all walks of life by being aware and cognizant of every moment of your life. When you can hold onto your focus and sense of being, you will be able to remain the individual you currently are even later.
- Improve memory and alertness – If you are facing problems with regard to your memory, it is to be expected that you will grow fearful of the world. If, however, your ability to recall information and quickly recognize what your senses are telling you, you will always be able to have the confidence in yourself to face any situation.
- Protection for eyes – Most of our communication happens online nowadays, with our eyes peering onto a brightly lit screen that we can never seem to manage to put away for long. This product offers near-comprehensive protection against any kind of visual declination due to screen time. You won’t have to worry about decreasing your eyesight just by indulging in your smartphone, laptops, and other devices that emit eye-damaging blue light.
- Reduce brain fog and increase lucidity – Brain fog can make a coward out of just about anyone. It feels like you are swimming in never-ending confusion, with nothing to help you through. This product will help you step out of this haze and make you more alert and lucid to the world around you so that you are no longer stumbling.
- Science-backed, no prescription – Each of the ingredients that have been put into this brain supplement has been selected only after ample research and study have been done by scientists. That itself was the criteria for the selection. All of them are completely natural as well, extracted as is or derived from, and being only natural they can be introduced into any diet and requires no medical prescription.

Benefits of Noocube Sleep Upgrade:
- Fall asleep faster – No need to toss and turn after you lay on your bed, waiting for sleep to come like some furtive criminal, as you feel more taunt than ever as you wait to fall asleep and just get some much-needed rest. The Noocube Sleep Upgrade will ease you into a state of mind where you are feeling all relaxed and sleepy and light enough so that when sleep comes knocking, you open the door right away. The natural sleep that will come this way will help improve sleep quality immensely.
- Deeper sleep – Sleep comes in three distinctive stages. The last level of sleep, deep sleep, is the most restorative to our body and mind. You have to fall into a deep enough sleep wherein you can basically get a reboot to the system timely and ceaselessly enough, such that the effect is instantly visible the next day, thus improving your daytime performance. Deep sleep is a vital necessity for the proper functioning of any being, and this has been repeatedly proven. Improving sleep quality with the Noocube Sleep Upgrade supplement is a big step towards improving sleep with all-natural sleep aids.
- Longer sleep – Longer sleep of 8 hours or so when you need rest is the recommended period for most people. The longer restful and deep sleep you get, the better the chances of you waking up feeling much more refreshed and recharged. Longer sleep must also mean that you sleep restfully longer, i.e., without any interruptions or startled awakenings. The Noocube Sleep Upgrade improves sleep quality by eliminating most of the sleep disturbances and ensuring a solid sleep-wake cycle.
- Restful recharge – When you can fall asleep quickly, when your sleep is deep, and when you have gotten the appropriate amount of shut-eye required, you are going to wake up feeling well-rested and soundly recharged. After waking up, you will find within yourself better alertness and a better mental state, that will enable you to face the day with ease and nix any worry or stress. Such healthy sleep is only acquired through very good sleep quality like taking Sleep Upgrade supplements and using the correct sleep aid.
- Cognitive improvements – After a good night’s sleep, and should you get through a spree of such nights long enough, you yourself will notice an obvious positive change within your cognitive abilities. You will find yourself better able to handle stress, let go of things that you do not need to make your priority, and be much quicker on your feet. The Noocube Sleep upgrade is a near-perfect sleep aid and a new sleep supplement here to bring you healthy sleep and help improve sleep quality.

What are the commonly reported Side Effects of Noocube Brain Productivity and Noocube Sleep Upgrade?
There are no recorded side effects of the Noocube Brain Productivity as well as the Noocube Sleep Upgrade. Both of these brain-boosting and sleep-enhancing supplements are completely natural and thus the chance of them giving you any grief via side effects is just about non-existent. It does not require a doctor’s appointment or prescription because it is not a medicine nor is it advertised as such. Should you still have doubts, you are welcome to clear them up with your doctor for ease of mind.
Top 5 reasons to buy the Noocube Brain Productivity:
- Improved attention span – You should definitely buy this product because it will help improve your attention span. It will make you more alert as well as ensure that you have a good memory. The combination of these two factors will give you a very much improved attention span such that you will be able to concentrate for longer and better.
- Memory boosted – You will also feel your memory essentially boosted as you will experience better recall and recognition. You will find it easier to remember people’s faces as well as your important appointments and dates. You will no longer seek to set hundreds of reminders and alarms to remind you of the things you have to do because you will be remembering well enough without them.
- Mental stress reduced – When you have the ability to rely on your own memory and have the confidence to face anything that comes your way, you are bound to hold much less stress. You no longer have to opt for strategic backup plans all the time, nor do you have to keep depending on others to hold your hand through the crisis. All these culminate in a mental state wherein you are not driven by stress anymore, but things more positive.
- Increased processing ability – When you have the optimal cognitive capabilities all raring to go, you will find yourself able to make quick and correct decisions. You will just need one look at the problem and the answer will be instantly evident to you and your fast-working brain. This increased processing ability is sure to boost your self-esteem as well.
- Lowers brain fatigue – You will feel better and more alive and alert, and since your mind will be in top shape, it also means that you will not suffer from using your brain hard. You will not be left feeling like juggling things to make it through the day, but give each it’s impotent due without tiring yourself out entirely by the end of the day.
Top 5 reasons to buy the Noocube Sleep Upgrade:
- Energy recharged – A restful sleep will always bring you a better sense of peace and renewed strength. As exhausted as you were the night before, if you get a good sleep throughout the night, the next morning you will be able to face the new day with as much enthusiasm as yesterday. You will be able to step out into the world in the forming feeling energized and refreshed. The Noocube’s Sleep Upgrade sleep supplements are the best way to make better overall sleep quality and annihilate sleep disturbances as much as possible.
- Mental clarity – When you are well rested, you are able to afford stable attention to things throughout the day. You will feel as mentally alert and aware in the evening as you were in the morning because this product helps you recharge completely. The mental clarity you will experience after a good restful sleep is amazing and unbelievably constructive. Natural sleep aid are a plenty, but Noocube Sleep Upgrade manages to instill good sleep habits and promote sleep without using melatonin in them as you would find in other sleep aids.
- Better metabolism and immunity – When you are able to sleep well, you will also get to experience better metabolism and improved immunity as you will be able to loosen your muscles enough. Longer and better sleep will give both your metabolism and immunity to work their wonders without any interventions. They will become better just by default. The Noocube Sleep Upgrade sleep aid supplement helps you in falling asleep for uninterrupted sleep as it has sleep promoting effects which further works for improving sleep quality.
- Muscle repair – When you get to sleep well, and deeply long enough, you enter a state wherein you are able to basically run a maintenance check on your own body. With nothing interfering with their work, while you rest, your organs and muscles will take this time to get better, to repair, to get reinforcements if you will, and the next morning you will wake up feeling younger and stronger. The magnesium supplements are boosted in the Noocube Sleep Upgrade by improving sleep and are a sleep aid that can be sued by anyone.
- Refreshed – As your body goes through this excellent natural reboot, your body will be almost born anew. When you wake up, you will experience good bowel movements, you will have fewer blemishes on your face and you will feel like a new you all ready to take on the new day. Good sleep is bound to also leave you feeling fresh and happy. The Noocube Sleep Upgrade ensures high-quality sleep and is definitely a restorative sleep aid that works on improving sleep quality.
How do Noocube Brain Productivity and Noocube Sleep Upgrade differ?
Although both supplements are from Noocube and are natural supplements to enhance positive brain function and sleep quality respectively, there are very definitive distinctions between the two –

Noocube | Brain Productivity | Sleep Upgrade |
Ingredients | Natural, but also contains a patented element that aims to improve cognitive abilities. | Completely natural ingredients. |
Use | It is to be taken early in the morning either with or without breakfast. | It is to be taken at night 30 minutes before sleep |
Optimizes | Brain functioning | Restful night sleep with Brain rebooting effects |
Stimulants? | In spite, of the way it works, is completely caffeine free | In spite, of the way it works, is completely melatonin free |
Impacts | The brain positively | The brain and body positively |
Where to Buy? | Tap to visit Noocube Brain Productivity Official Website. | Tap to visit Noocube Sleep Upgrade Official Website. |
Are these products right for you?
These products are recommended for people who require that extra help and would be open to receiving this support. Both supplements are essentially something that will make your life exponentially easier and increase your own brain’s viability in the long run. As to whether these products are right for you is a moot point. The more important question that you should be asked or the answer you should be looking for is deciding which is going to be your choice for your own long-term betterment.
The Noocube Brain Productivity dietary supplement is recommended in particular for people such as:
- New parents who have to take on the never-ending and exhausting regimen of child-rearing,
- People who have high ambitions and want to put in the work and earn their keep, and more,
- Students who are already working so much hard and ceaselessly and with eyes still full of dreams of success,
- Athletes who have to push themselves both mentally and physically to get to their goals,
- And, last but not least, adults aged 55+ who would do well to take preemptive steps to make their later life easier.
The Noocube Sleep Upgrade Food Supplement is recommended for:
- People who are currently juggling lots of things and they cannot bear to put any down,
- Workers who work in shifts that make it difficult for them to have a regular schedule or a normal timing,
- People who have to travel a lot either for work or other matters,
- And insomnia-laden night owls who love the night more than the day and find it difficult to switch their brain down when they want to sleep.
The Noocube Sleep Upgrade sleep aid is like no other sleeping pill, it cannot be easily replicated, and it is without a doubt a natural sleep aid supplement that promotes a good night’s rest, without any morning grogginess.
What do customers have to say about these Noocube Products?
Here are a few Noocube Brain Productivity reviews by users:
Sherilyn B. from Manchester, United Kingdom.
“Within just a few days of taking Noocube Nootropic (Brain Productivity), I noticed significant improvements in my memory recall. I was able to remember names and faces with ease, and I felt like my overall focus and concentration had also improved. I am really impressed with how well this supplement worked and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a way to boost their overall brain health and performance.”
Altamash S. from Abu Dhabi, UAE.
“I recently tried Noocube Brain Productivity and it has really helped me. It has made me more focused and productive, especially when I’m multitasking. I find that my mental speed and mental energy have been on the rise ever since I started taking it. It’s easy to take and is gentle on my body. It’s also non-habit forming which is great.”
Melvyn S. from Dublin, Ireland.
“If you are like me and are always on the lookout for ways to improve cognitive performance, then you need to check out Noocube Brain Productivity. This incredible supplement has been specifically designed to help improve memory, focus, and concentration. I had the opportunity to try it out for myself and I was blown away by the results.”
Here are a few Noocube Sleep Upgrade reviews by users:
Enzo R. from Dallas, United States.
“Noocube is a totally different kind of sleeping pill. It doesn’t cause addiction or morning grogginess. It’s an all-natural supplement that actually improves your sleep quality so you wake up feeling rested and refreshed. I’ve been taking Noocube Sleep for a few weeks now and I’m really impressed with the results. I was having trouble sleeping through the night and on taking other melatonin-based sleeping pills, I was waking up feeling groggy in the morning. But since taking the Sleep Upgrade formula, I’ve been sleeping like a baby and waking up feeling rested and refreshed.”
Amanda K. from Nelson, New Zealand.
“I have been using the Noocube Sleep Upgrade for a few weeks now and I have to say that I am very impressed! I was skeptical at first, but after seeing the results for myself I am now a believer. I have always struggled with getting a good night’s sleep, but since taking Noocube before bed I have been sleeping like a baby. I wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy, which has been a game-changer for me. I’m also noticing that my metabolism seems to be better since taking Noocube, as I’m losing weight a bit easier now. Overall, I am very pleased with my purchase.”
Parto L. from Jakarta, Indonesia.
“I have been through a lot of stress and anxiety lately and I decided to try the Noocube Sleep Upgrade. This is an all-natural supplement that is designed to help your body relax and improve your sleep quality. I have to say that I am really impressed with this product! I have been sleeping so much better ever since I started taking it, and I think my stress and anxiety levels are under control. So, thanks Noocube Sleep Upgrade for giving me my life back!”
How to purchase them?

Both of these supplements can be purchased at their official website with one click and also has safe and secure payment gateways. Click here to Buy Noocube Brain Productivity and Click here to Buy Noocube Sleep Upgrade. Both products are also priced the same and have the same discounts on the purchase of different packages. They not only come with free shipping but also a 60-day money-back guarantee. The Noocube Sleep Upgrade as well as its counterpart the Noocube Brain Productivity are both proponents of Noocube sleep, the natural sleep aid.
You can buy one bottle of both the Noocube Brain Productivity and the Noocube Sleep Upgrade at $64 each, which contains a month’s supply.
- You can purchase two bottles of (Brain Productivity or Sleep Upgrade) at the discounted price of $129.99 which comes with two bottles each, as well as a free extra bottle for both supplements.
- You can buy three bottles of each at $194.99, with two additional free bottles of both.
Should you by any chance find yourself not fully satisfied with these products, you can apply for your money back within 60 days from the purchase date and send back any unopened bottles from your bundle to do so.
In Conclusion:
These Noocube products, the Noocube Sleep Upgrade and the Noocube Brain Productivity can be quite essential to people who are in need of them. These Nootropic supplements can level the field in your favor against any struggles you might be facing mentally or in regard to your cognitive abilities. Use this help especially when you have this help within your reach.
Why wait? Why wait for more decline? Just choose Noocube and boost your brain out of the tiredness and fog and unrest into an excellent partner for your fulfilling life, tap now to visit the Noocube Official Website.